Drug prescription delivery feature for a Medical mobile App (St. Lewis Hospital)


4 min readApr 10, 2021

A Drug prescription delivery feature on a Medical app that allows patients to either request for a new prescription or renew their prescription. We want the shopping ordering experience to be as smooth and efficient as possible and for patients to be able to make a request without any flaws, just as how they would in the physical pharmacy or store.


The prescription delivery feature is aimed at meeting particular needs such as requesting and renewing medications, which will bring ease to the traditional way of request and renewal of medication.

Doing user research using survey and interview on how the traditional way of request and renewal works and how to simplify the process and solve the problems around it using technology.
The research covered how we could create a system which will meet the needs of both the users and the hospital.



A general survey was done, looking at direct & indirect competitors (Lara.ng, My-medicines.com, Webmd.com etc.,), read Blog post and Articles about the stated problem. Furthermore, we conducted user interviews (Doctor, Pharmacist and patients) to find out the challenges faced by the Hospitals and her patients when it comes to drug prescription and renewal; pretty much how it works traditionally.


Here we explored a number of idea in regards to creating a seamless and intuitive solution for drug prescription and renewal for the hospital and their users, one of which is creating an automated chat bot that responds to patient.

It was easy in the case lara.ng (an automated direction assistant for Lagos and Abuja), the road can be the same for decades but the human body is sensitive and fragile, it undergoes a lot of changes at different stages, which means the robot will forever be learning.

It is not impossible but it will not work for our solution, at least not yet.

We saw in some of the country with Covid case where a robot was used in attending to covid patient, though under the supervision of a specialist.

In developing countries with shortage of medical personnel’s the idea of having a chat bot will go a long way in improving self medication but will take a long time because the system has to be fed data continuously.

After much review we came into conclusion on what the design should look and feel like.


Our design started from creating Mid fidelity wireframes to give a feel of how the page will look like, Afterwards a high fidelity wireframe was created and the prototyped.


  1. Emergency
  2. Schedule
  3. Renew prescription
  4. Renew prescription


We reviewed same like feature and functionality we observed throughout the research of direct and indirect competitors (Lara.ng, My-medicines.com, Webmd.com etc.,) here in Nigeria and Abroad.

Bringing everything together and with the development in place, users can pay more attention to their health; it is like having a mobile drug store in your phone.


Doctor availability

Prescription should be by a doctor or approved by a physician, Doctors or physicians are usually busy.

We solved this challenge by taking each request as they come in and are issued a schedule time accordingly, this may not be the best solution, was why we had the emergency button on the home page for fast response.

In cases of Emergency, what should happen?

We saw that going through the normal request prescription won’t work, why we came up with an easy process which is implementing an EMERGENCY
button on the home page, as soon as a user logs in, the button is right in front of them.

By clicking the Emergency button, someone is attending to you instantly.

Keeping up with Prescription can be somewhat challenging…

We approached it by sending a notification immediately after purchase which gives the user an opportunity to set a reminder date and get the drugs before the set date, we also send reminder notifications to users as the next renew date approach

Renewing Prescription online…

For every prescription that is renewable, the system takes record of them and
generates a RENEW CODE for that particular prescription and at completion
of the order the system gives a prompt we have sent you details of your next renewal.


